

Welcome to my special place in hell! It's your one stop shop for anything that might interest you. I'll update it from time to time.

Find me here

Twitter: @axye1024
My social. Will probably deprecate (if the site doesn't burn first)
Tumblr: axye1024
My preferred, but not main, social.
Youtube: @axzye
My music and other random posts.
Steam: azure10255

Join my discord server! (It's inactive at the moment, but just in case.)
Donate to my ko-fi, maybe?


Hi, my name is ▒▒▒▒▒, but you can call me Axye (he/him). I'm Korean and live in Australia; my timezone is AEST. My birthday is 28th October. I'm aroallo and in an perpetual state of perplexity. My interests are art, pixel art, music, programming, writing & robots. I'm also a TETR.IO & 4K VSRG player. If there's anything you need, feel free to shoot me a message! Well, that's about it- thanks for checking this out.


Q: How do I pronounce your name?
A: "Ax-ee", "Axe", "Ax-ay", are all OK. (please do not say "ax-yee")

Q: Are you a furry?
A: Depends on who you ask.

To do